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karma – shattered reality corresponds to the activation of a transitional object, a vector of embodied narrative, represented and performed by the physical co-presence of the two co-authors. The work takes the form of a performative and participative device by telephone around the notion of isolation, virtuality, identity and authorship in contexts related to migration policies.


L’artiste Cynthia Montier et la chercheuse Sophie Prinssen du collectif Activismes Ésotériques organisent un travail collaboratif questionnant les liens existants entre soin, corps et pouvoir. À partir des récits des urgentistes et des recherches des artistes sur l’ésotérisme, l’action consiste à réaliser une performance artistique collective avec les soignants et les soignantes, au sein des […]


Dans le cadre d’activismes ésotériques, les artistes et chercheuses Cynthia Montier et Sophie Prinssen ont été invitées à réaliser un projet avec les étudiant·es du du Master « Critique-essais, écritures de l’art contemporain » (promotion 2020-22) de l’Université de Strasbourg, dans le cadre de leur exposition « Nouer le Reste » au CEAAC.


The device Diseuses de sort consists of a non-divinatory reading system based on a rune print elaborated by the two artists whose readings cross virtual makeshift devices that intertwine magic, art and resistance in socially engaged contexts. The readings are based on the principle of consultations and interviews by appointment.

*Contact contact.esotericogeography@gmail.com for a reading


Ritual of Hopscotch is a protocol of online collective and domestic ritual that experiments with the notion of esoteric-geography – the apprehension of geography as a two-dimensional space: both virtual and esoteric. From the GPS trace of their travels the artist duo creates a sigil (cabalistic seal and magical signature); the sigilic path is transferred […]


External Promises is a simultaneous urban and astral visit through different cities. External Promises — Fortune guide for disaffected places addresses the issue of disaffectec space, as a way of rethinking intimate space (assigned space, sacred space or conquered space) from a post-confinement perspective by applying it to the affective and political relationship to public space. What […]


“Private is political“ is an online dispositive of conversation between women artists and researchers. Using chating or browsing apps, women invited meet virtually to exchange visual references about domestic art as work condition and about the presence of women in public sphere regarding intimacy and spirituality. This gathering is readable from both physical and digital […]


Of Stones and Days is an intervention in an elementary school in Bischwiller taking the form of a workshop. During a week-long meeting, children from two classes of CM1 and CM2 are invited to understand the space of the playground through the notion of psychogeography, and to experience its geological dimension. Equipped with pencils and invented cartography, the children walk around this space, excavate and analyze it with the accompaniment of artist Cynthia Montier.

The last stage of the workshop is an introduction to the editing and production of fanzines that transcribe the work done collectively and its journey.


Ritual of hopscotch – esotericogeographical attempt is a ritual initiated by Cynthia Montier & Ophelie Naessens, and activated from November 30 to December 01 on the occasion of the Rituals season of the Magasin des Horizons in Grenoble during autumn 2019.