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Manufacture sacrée restitue un travail d’enquête autour des marques, sigles, cachets et signatures lapidaires d’ouvriers dans l’art du bâti, des maçons aux tailleurs de pierre, des bâtisseurs de cathédrale de l’époque romane aux ouvriers contemporains.


The Magic-Mediation Tarot is a non-divinatory and performative tarot designed by Cynthia Montier.

*Contact cynthiamontier@riseup.net for a reading
*Get yourself one copy on http://editionscartonpate.com/
[Each purchase of Tarot Magie-médiation includes a tarot reading]


The Magic-Mediation Tarot is a non-divinatory and performative tarot designed by Cynthia Montier.

*Contact cynthiamontier@riseup.net for a reading
*Get yourself one copy on http://editionscartonpate.com/
[Each purchase of Tarot Magie-médiation includes a tarot reading]


External Promises is a simultaneous urban and astral visit through different cities. External Promises — Fortune guide for disaffected places addresses the issue of disaffectec space, as a way of rethinking intimate space (assigned space, sacred space or conquered space) from a post-confinement perspective by applying it to the affective and political relationship to public space. What […]


Graffiti Ouija No. 1 – Oracle Graffiti is a device to allow communication with the banished spirits of the city. It takes the shape of a Ouija board on the scale of a tunnel floor (13 x 3 m), inscribed on the ground with sign paint. While the municipality tries to make them disappear, wandering […]


The Workers of Nineteen Hundred Long is a video walk with the complicity of a public road worker. The latter proposes an archaeo-geological visit of the Meinau Technical Centre (Strasbourg, FR) and its various materials recovered, indexed and inventoried from the different sites of the city: cuttings from the cathedral, fragments from the Kleber square, remains of the Finkwiller bridge, fossils and debris of workers from « mille neuf cent longtemps » (nineteen hundred years ago).


Homemade sundial dealing with cycles of consumption and season, viewpoint on urban landscape during lockdown and time passing by. It also addresses emptiness regarding both space and time: urbanism and capitalism versus nature and DIY culture.


Pavillon [meaning in French both pavilion and flag] is a series of furtive intervention by Cynthia Montier and Mathieu Tremblin. It consists in installing solar garden lawn lights to design impossible access or path through vacant lots within the city.


The Research Tarot is a non-divinatory tarot composed of 78 cards (80×145 mm) for as many figures. In contrast to the traditional Tarot de Marseille, the Tarot de Recherche draws on creative gestures and militant postures that predate it. Each reading engages an intervention: a research, an interview, or a performative gesture.