[Research tarot 2018–2022] – Tarot Magie-Mediation (Egregora). Non divinatory tarot for performative readings, 22 cards. 2020. Odylus, Strasbourg.

Activation of tarot cards from Cynthia Montier’s dispositive Tarot de Recherche.

Thoses cards are made from the stories of the residents of Sainte-Odile and in collaboration with the psycho-corporal therapist and shaman Flora Nizard during my residency in Odylus, temporary social and artistic residency in construction site of ancient clinic
The Tarot readings give rise to performative gestures and the transmission of stories in the public space.

Egregora. Activation of non-divinatory card Egregora. 18 banners 2mx3m, scaffolds.
2020. Odylus, Strasbourg.


Egrégore means to awaken, to make people get up in a gesture of vigilance. The egregore is the intermediary or the watchman who refers to intermediation, that is to say, to the setting up and linking of a world, its symbols and its interface. The Egregore arcana symbolises the collective entity, the spirit of a group, a commitment through the aggregation of energies, desires or wishes of several individuals united around a common intention.

On one side, a series of precious, fetish or sacred objects, on the other, views from the rooms of the former Sainte-Odile clinic.
The ensemble is as much a whole as a mediation to operate in a collective egregore of personal belongings, amulets, talismans, gri-gri, family jewellery, or objects of burden or good luck charms collected with the residents and retranscribed in the form of building site banners to cover, adorn or adorn as an offering the dress and scaffolding of the former Sainte-Odile chapel.
The banners are hung with the residents in complicity with the site workers.